Thursday, November 28, 2013

"Hagia Sophia" Surreal mindset !

Among the most visited museum Hagia Sophia, for the history of art and architecture is one of the world's most prominent monument.8th world are shown as wonder.This structure by the Emperor Justinian (527-565) period, with two important Anthemios Isidore, which was built by the architect.Along with the two chief architect during construction work 10000 architects and 10000 workers at the disposal of every architect's work takes place in the sourceJustinian noted that this work is the great fortune to spend..Construction began on February 23, 532, in a grand ceremony December 27, 537 'is also opened for worship.916 years the church building, which in 1453 was converted into a mosque by Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror.With the conquest of Istanbul, converted into a mosque, was used as a mosque for 482 years.In 1935, on the orders of Atatürk Ayasofya museum has opened its doors to visitors.The building is named "sofia" ., the ancient Greek meaning "wisdom"  from the word sophos.Hagia Sophia" name "divine wisdom" or "divine wisdom" means.Orthodoxy is considered one of the three qualities of God in the sect.This is a very old building, a feature of some of the columns used in the construction, doors and stone structures and temples older than the building is being brought.Patriarch of Constantinople and the Byzantine period, the patriarch of the church became the center of the Eastern Orthodox Church.Hagia Sophia, formerly naturally a great "holy relics" collection contained.Hagia Sophia building is actually the third time the church was built in the same place is also known as the third Hagia Sophia.The first two churches were destroyed during the riots.Period, which is the largest dome of the central dome of the Hagia Sophia, the Byzantine period, collapsed several times.

Distinguishing features

During the 15th century, this building standing among the masterpieces of world art and architecture is located.With the great dome has been a symbol of Byzantine architecture.Ayasofya are distinguished by the following properties compared to other cathedral:

  • It is the world's oldest cathedral.
  • From the period, the largest cathedral in the world for nearly a thousand years, has had the title.Nowadays ranks fourth in terms of land area.
  • The world's fastest (5 years) is the cathedral was built.
  • The world's longest period (15th century) was a place of worship is one of the buildings.
  • Dome "old cathedral" in terms of the diameter of the dome is considered the fourth largest dome.


Hagia Sophia, the architectural sense, a basilica plan with a central plan, incorporating domed basilica-type structure.Dome transition and structural properties as an important milestone in the history of architecture are discussed.Hagia Sophia, the first of all sizes and architectural importance.The period in which the structure of the dome of Hagia Sophia basilica in the world of any size could be covered with a dome.Nowhere did not have such a large interior space.Sited on the walls of the body as a carrier of the dome compared with the previous structure, only fitted with four pillars.This is such a big dome in architectural history, both technical and aesthetic care is considered a revolution.Half of the middle nave covering the main (central) dome, half dome added to the east and west with a wide rectangular interior has been expanded so as to create.When viewed from the ground, seeming to hang in the sky, all the interior space is perceived as a dominant dome.

East and West, close the openings of the half-dome system also made ​​the transition to a smaller half-domes exedra has been completed.Starting from the main dome, complete with the small dome that crowns the dome hierarchy in ancient times is an unprecedented architectural systems.Condition of the building is completely ingenious basilica plan.Rather than during the build brick walls and mortar dome when the dome structure perched on the lower part of the weight of the wet mortar stuck created led to the outward buckling of the walls.Despite all this precision work of the dome's weight has continued to be a problem for centuries.The weight of the dome pressure building as the opening of a flower opening was forcing four corners outwards.This problem is also solved by the addition of elements of retaining outside the building.Solution which is Mimar Sinan.


Tons of gold was used in the construction of Hagia Sophia mosaics.In addition to gold, silver, tinted glass, baked clay, and crushed stones were used as colored marble.726 III. Leon orders the destruction of all icons, all the icons and statues were removed from the Hagia Sophia.Therefore, nowadays seen in Hagia Sophia, face mosaic with depictions of all the mosaics are made ​​after the period of iconoclasm.However, that does not include Hagia Sophia mosaic portraying the face at least a portion of the 6 The first are the century mosaics.

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